Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Aviano Indoor Pool

After summer is over, the base pool closes and we can swim for free at the Aviano City Pool. It is actually a very nice pool, exceptionally clean with nice clear water. They do have a few rules that are slightly different from your average pool in America including:

1. Shoes must be left at the door to the locker room. You must put your flip flops on at that point (and you cannot accidentally wear the flip flops out of the building!)
2. Swim suits must be tight fitting - no board shorts for the boys
3. Robes are highly encouraged
4. Caps are required
5. You must shower before entering the pool (This is typical in America too but rarely enforced)
6. It is forbidden to shower without wearing a bathing suit
7. You cannot use your own hairdryer but must pay 10 cents to use one that is there

I didn't realize that Italians were such germ phobes. They sell several items at sporting goods stores to ensure that you never have to touch the floor and are comfortable while getting dressed. Here is an example of a pop-up mat that you can put down so that you have something to stand on while changing. The also make a hard fold-up disc that has some sort of carpeted material on the inside. If you ask me, I would rather take my chances with the germs on the locker room floor rather than what can grow inside those mats!

Anyway, all of this information is unrelated to the real reason for this post. Kwame and I went swimming yesterday. (Side note: I love it when Kwame swims with me but I can hardly ever get him to go. It was his suggestion yesterday!) He said that while he was in the locker room changing after our swim, there was an older man changing as well. The man's underwear said FRIDAY on it. I asked if he was wearing days of the week undies like a little girl (or boy?) might wear. Kwame said that FRIDAY was just written in there. I don't know what was funnier, the fact that the man had FRIDAY hand written in his undies or that it was Wednesday!


  1. The Friday underwear story is great. Is that true about the only tight fitting swimsuits? And no nude showering? The older Korean ladies must be upset about this.

  2. It is true! However, Kwame wears his little speedo with one of those drag suits over it and no one has said anything. Definitely no nude showering either. Plus they all go into one of the changing stalls to change in and out of their suits. Maybe that is a good thing though because Kwame said that the female staff members walk into the men's locker room unannounced.
